When in 2010 I got my back sore, because of the office work I had been doing, it was time to take action. I was recommended to meet Eduard Gatalskiy. He gently fixed my spine and showed me the Way to keep it up. It’s been more than 5 years of practicing Qigong and Taijiquan since then. And 3 of them is everyday conscious practicing.
I consider the “Embracing the tree” posture to be the key practice that allows us to turn to the Pure Spirit, to our roots and to the essence, not overburdened with emotions. It is the absolute happiness to be able to understand your own body, to relax it, to build up your spine and to clear your mind of never-ending thoughts that never leave you.
The work doesn’t stop even for a second, and the great Teacher – our Body – makes our life vibrant and fascinating, and often defines the evolution of a personality.
I’m widening my knowledge about a human being: I regularly do the cleaning of the main body systems, take care of the normal blood circulation process, of PH level, I take interest in healthy eating and in fortification of food with micronutrients, I use organic, eco-friendly household products and other items that are of great use for a big city resident. I’m studying phytotherapy, as well as naturopathic methods, including visceral massage (old slavonic massage of internal organs) and hirudotherapy. I practice Taijiquan Yang forms, including Sword Jian and Fan forms, articular mobility exercises, and exercises to keep my spine healthy.
About me:
I’ve been working in marketing since more than 10 years. My specialisation is development and management of projects, promoting products, services and web sites.
I also consult foreign companies on the Russian market specific aspects. I am a winner of the Worldwide Advertising Award “The Globes” 2014. I also teach a course of “Non-media Communications” at National research University – Higher School of Economics. I like creative work, travelling and learning more about human body.
I believe in systematic approach and guide my life into a positive direction along with working on my body.
About me: https://kivovich.com/