Tatiana Yun

The first time I happened to come along to Edward’s class with a friend. I wanted to know, what Qigong was, and why people were there starting from early in the morning. As a reasult, my curiosity made me attend the classes twice a week. I was doing all exercises the way I could, I was following Edward’s advice. It lasted for a while, but, eventually, I decided to stop attending the classes.”

I left, because couldn’t keep ignoring my frame of mind: “I don’t need more classes, I’ve learned everything I needed, I am able to continue practicing on my own”.

My “vacations” lasted for a year. At first I was trying to keep on doing exercises, but in the course of time it was put on the back burner. In the end, I stopped practicing. At some point I realised, that I was losing the most important thing in my life – the real Me. I came to the conclusion, that I needed to restart the practice and to rejoin Edward’s classes.

It turned out to be not that easy for me to go back. I needed to stop the protesting inner dialogues with myself, to overcome my all-knowing pride, and to have the heart to ask being accepted back. Thank you, Edward, for giving me the green light! And thanks to myself for having the courage to come back.

For me Edward’s classes and communication with him as with a Teacher – is an amazingly interesting daily work on myself: it is always hard, might be easy sometimes though, but it is astounding to learn more about yourself and your abilities. Very often others can see clearer what you are really like and what you are capable of in this or that situation.

Edward helps you to transform and to recreate your integrity. He teaches to learn living in comfort, love and clarity. He shows the unfiltered, simple truth of life, and he always shares his practical knowledge and his experience. He never stops, he always keeps moving on – in harmony and lightness, shining his light on our (his students’) Path.

Illnesses distract us from life, like advertisements do. I found the ads blocking software. I am the target audience for health and joy.It is amazing to be your student, Edward. Thank You kindly!